| Key(s) to enter setup F2 Ctrl + Alt + s Ctrl +Alt +Esc Ctrl + Alt +Insert |
1-1-3 | Bad CMOS, replace the board |
1-1-4 | Replace the BIOS or get a new motherboard |
1-2-2 | Needs a new motherboard |
1-2-3 | Needs a new motherboard |
1-3-1 | Needs a new motherboard |
1-3-3 | Needs a new motherboard |
1-3-4 | Needs a new motherboard |
1-4-1 | Needs a new motherboard |
1-4-2 | Bad memory, it needs to be replaced |
2-_-_ | any combination of this means that you will need to get new memory |
3-1-_ | Needs a new motherboard |
3-2-4 | Keyboard Controller failure, most likely it is just you will need to replace the keyboard or clean off the Din connector. |
3-3-4 | Bad or loose display adapter, replace or correct the connection. |
3-4-_ | Bad or loose display adapter, replace or correct the connection. |
4-2-1 | Needs a new motherboard |
4-2-2 | Keyboard Controller failure, most likely it is just you will need to replace the keyboard or clean off the Din connector. |
4-2-3 | Keyboard Controller failure, most likely it is just you will need to replace the keyboard or clean off the Din connector. |
4-2-4 | Bad expansion card or motherboard |
4-3-1 | Needs a new motherboard |
4-3-2 | Needs a new motherboard |
4-3-3 | Needs a new motherboard |
4-3-4 | Day time failure |
4-4-1 | Time failure, replace the battery otherwise the CMOS is bad |
4-4-2 | I/O conflict, check the settings |
4-4-3 | Replace the math co-processor |