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  • Chipset  
       When you dial a phone number to reach a person, the number that you dial is use to reach the other person through an operator "human or machine". That number is unique in aspect that no other person has that same number. In the computer the chipset can be compared to the operator in the way that the chipset tells information where to go but it also has the ability to detect and correct as well as isolate different components with a cashing system. One great leap forward in chipset technology was the introduction of the 1.4GHz computer introduced by Intel that introduced the 400 MHz bus. This was unheard of considering that consumer CPU speeds were just reaching that level 2 years before. This leap forward was taken because limits to the CPU its self were being reached with current technologies and such schemes were being used like dual moth processing units within the CPU, cashing systems, larger Bus widths, and newer RAM technologies.
       This is all great increases in individual components but they all talk to each other through the chipset, which is the controller of information and also a challenge to overcome.
       Manufactures of chipsets have lately challenged this with larger bus widths and faster Front-Side-Bus speeds. You can expect to see more detail focus on chipset technology in the near future such as internal CPU's for simple or reoccurring tasks along with internal clock multipliers. This technology is being pioneered as we speed and like always, as soon as you see this technology out in the market there is already something better for twice the amount.

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