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<a href="mailto: your e-mail.com? This is the beginning of the E-mail link that is a standard and will always be the same for the dame e-mail address. However you must replace the ??? with your e-mail address and if you are going to state other fields such as subject or body then you must put a ? after the e-mail address.

subject=????; This will state the subject that the receiver will see before the E-mail is opened, but it must be followed by the semicolon if you have multiple fields like subject, body, cc, bcc.

body=????; This field is where the actual e-mail message is placed but is rarely used because the point of an e-mail is to say something of your own opinion or knowledge.

cc=????; When the e-mail is sent multiple times from you, the CC option will show your e-mail as well as those you have sent the message to. This option is seldom used in E-mails that are sent the first time.

BCC=????; BCC this option will mask the e-mails that you send with just one, usually you would put your e-mail here. For example, if you were to send the same e-mail to 30 people, they would only see you e-mail at the top of the document and not everyone else's.

And finally the link is closed with ">Email me</a> where the "E-mail me" text would be the message that the user would see on order to e-mail you.

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