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  • How to enter setup

  • Enter Setup Error  
       This most likely a battery problem, to see if you need to replace the battery then you must do the following:
    [1] Restore setup information in the CMOS
    [2] Leave the computer on for an hour or two so that the battery can be sufficiently charged.
    If this did not help or you just want to play it safe then proceed

    Possible Cause
         If the computer has sat around too long period of time then the CMOS chip will eventually drain the batter of all its power. When this happens the computer forgets all the hard disk settings and time information .The BIOS then looks to the CMOS the next time the computer starts and sees that all the information in the CMOS is gone which triggers an alarm to alert the user. Since the operating system depends on these settings that are stored in the CMOS, you will be unable to proceed with out fixing the problem.
          If this problem happens often then it is a sign that the battery is going to die which is not uncommon with older computers in the 486 and below range.

    [1] Improper installation or battery of a non-lithium brand will cause it to explode, which will damage other components or people. Remember the computer recharges the battery and only Lithium can be recharged, any other type will explode throwing hot metal and toxic gasses outward.
    [2] NEVER change a component while the computer is still running or plugged in.

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